Friday, August 19, 2016

Baby Vicente is HERE!

Wow it has been a while since my last blog post... Well lots of babies have joined the Okinawa community lately. 

Including Vicente, he gave his mommy a hard time a bit however once he came out he gave dad the real hard time ( watch the video, all over his poor arm me and mom got a good laugh in there). He was 8 pounds 5 oz I think we were all a little shocked. Mom handled labor like a champ even with a couple scary moments, dad was right there the whole time. He never left her side and was a huge support role it was so great to see the love those two share. When baby finally came out the look on mom's face was amazing and it just re affrims the point that my job is such a blessing.. I got to meet big brother and big sister the next day and they love their brother so much already. I hope you enjoy these images and the quick video I made for my Facebook Community Followers

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