Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Baby Jay ..

I've had the pleasure of getting to know this couple. I remember the first time I met her she was not showing really and I had that feeling but didn't dare ask if she was during a Thanksgiving potluck at a friends home. Well I am so happy we've gotten to know each other better and she is just such a sweet person and when she had her son Jay I offered to come take a couple pictures for her and husband as well. I couldn't believe it that he was 8 pounds and 11 ounces he was just cute as could be. His dad is just beaming with pride which is to be expected that's his boy, I am sure he's going to be swinging a golf club better then most before he can walk. They are going to be great parents they already have a chocolate lab who is about the most spoiled and well loved dog I've seen(he's lucky to have such awesome dogie parents).

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