I had the pleasure of being at Yui birth clinic for this clients birth, it was an amazing experience they are so hands off and let mom's body labor and do what it needs. When I arrived she had gone from a 3-complete within an hour and a half. I got there just in time to get my camera out and grab a couple quick shots. Her son came so fast, I wasn't able to see him tell she grabbed him. The nurses at Yui almost instantly laid her back to rest and love on her baby. No beeping poking or prodding just mom and baby being with each other.
Every birth has a special place in my heart but this one was something extra. Seeing birth happen somewhere that isn't looked at as a medical condition instead something that is natural was just amazing. She had her Doula, Amanda from Oceanside HypnoBirthing who is a treasure here on island and will be very sad when she leaves. Her husband and son was there along with her Mother in Law. Her son was in the room and was quietly playing on the Ipad and when his brother came out just lit up and was so excited to see him he quietly put it down and walked right now to his mother to meet his new brother. Her mother in law had the honor of cutting the cord and was just overjoyed when they asked her to cut it. I left after an hour or so, to let mom and baby rest and I hope to share another small bit of their next session once they are home and rested.
Brother waiting, while mom and her Doula are working through the labor
She had him so fast I was able to snap this just as the nurse helped her. You see that arm around mom. That's the nurse, who was right there embracing her and holding her and smiling ear to ear with her. Was such a sweet thing to witness
Someone is excited his brother is here
Hello brother !
Happy and content on mom, right where he belongs
He was quite the little rockstar camera's everywhere when he came out
I hope you love the small sneak peek into this amazing birth session I was present for. It is always my pleasure to be there to capture these images for the family.
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